Nightmares of Purvankara/Provident Societies. A Big Fraud project selling to NRI Customers in Abroad

Nightmares of living in Purvankara/Provident Societies Bangalore/India.A Big Fraud project being sold to NRI Customers in Overseas…..Welworth city,the Bachelor Terrorism Colony……Story of a Returning Indian

Nightmares of living in Purvankara/Provident Societies Bangalore/India.A Big Fraud project being sold to NRI Customers in Overseas…..Welworth city,the Bachelor Terrorism Colony……Story of a Returning Indian
Buying a project of Purvankara Builders in Oversea as NRI Investors for India property is a suicidal decision…
Purvankara is cheating NRI Buyers in Overseas showing them a big dream of the beautiful society and the facilities enabled with the projects……
If you come back and live here you will find..
The swimming pool that has never seen water…
Club House Facilities, always full of unauthorized bachelors and youngsters living in the society as PG in most of the apartment paying monthly Rs.2k-3k in the groups....Basically these apartments are factory workers and bachelors’ hostel colony
Security arrangement is very pathetic…. most of the time you don’t find any security guy close to your building and in the event of crisis they are always missing----The worst thing there is no security phone line is available to contact a security person in emergency situation
Most of the time one can see those security guys seeing things happening in front of them, but they won't go and question anyone…… They are afraid because they are often beaten by the Bachelor and the youngsters in the society.
Mail Box… you will never find your post in alloted your post box. ….. all your posts are stolen the moment it is dropped in your mail box by the postman. Understand how serious it is for your personal information and security reasons....
Maintenance in a pathetic condition, nowhere close to what has been shown to you before booking the house….
Administration systems are pathetic…… They even hold your maintenance cheques… reasons unknown… Can’t understand this action because they are the one who is crying for long outstanding’s of other resident’s…This is how they trouble the honest and timely paying Owners...Their purpose is to make you a defaulter so that they get an opportunity to blame owners for non payment and enjoy the mismanagement of funds....Fund frauds techniques...In addition, they will pass your email id to another residents and act like innocent..... You warn them and then they will do it again. Definitely they are doing it purposefully to put you in some problems... Highly suspicious people....Purely an act of Cyber and Mafia Crime....Big Frauds criminals.....
Maintenance fee Increase will be frequent with big raise.Maintenance fees will be taken in advance for three months... If you ask them when it will be streamlined and from when the money will be collected on a monthly basis after the month end. The answer will be..... Never....meaning,It will always be in advance for three months...Very suspicious.... what is happening with big funds, no idea....
There are also incidents in some other housing societies for the frequent adhoc amount request and collection for some sudden expense.... Threat will be that the services will be stopped or the water and electricity will be cut..... This is how professional people manage the society as a society member.... No one knows or ask for the monthly pricing calculations and no one knows here how to do forecasting and planning for the expenses for doing the pricing per flat... this is India the land of the most qualified people.... For the issues everything will be passed on to the previous Association members.which was kicked  out with legal support..... societies are running money making rackets here.... They have a team who supports them including the police and they may be getting their clean up the mess. This is how the burden turns down to the owners....  
There is no good supply of water… You will always get a notice from the society for the shortage of the water… You have to store litters and litters due to the short supply of the water....People started storing waters in number of big cans…Just think of how much additional weight is loaded to the building with the weight of the water storage…..It is dangerous…..
Maintenance Staff is very rude... They control your water supply and disturb you by controlling your electricity connections
The township has thousands of bachelors( students,workers, labors and others ) –fully un authorized tenants who may be paying Rs.2-3k per head and having a luxurious life using all the facilities of the compound and creating nonsense and crime in the society……. Often you find them walking and moving in groups, speeding in bikes , triple riding in their very improper dresses,Rowdyism in Car and Vans…..Talk very loudly and misbehave with Security people in very strong and loud voice. They often pass through you and pass some comments, sought from behind etc.... Cyber and mafia criminals………They will purposefully park their bike to block your mail boxes area in the basement in non parking area, so that they can easily steal your post.... They also purposefully keep the door area dirty keeping thousands of shoes,sleepers,garbage bags and the garbage boxes etc to make the floor unhygienic and make other resident irritated.......While you are closed door inside or outside they will put some unwanted article in your door area...Just to disturb you....and harass you.... You may even find girls and boys living together in one apartment...... and I am sure they do not have a legal document to stay to gather.... Everyone in the colony is watching and happily living with the mouth shut very clear they are part of it or they are like this... It is a big racket here. People whisper that a big amount of drugs is being used by these guys here...... Security and Local law and order is fully aware of everything....These people have their full support...for all the criminal activities .A definition of Gunda Raj(Gangsters)....Often, they are found drunk in big groups in the apartment making big noise and sometime they are badly beaten by Security and other LATEES.
You may also see this bachelors urinating in the open areas in the township in the security range zone....
The uncivilized residents in the society will purposefully leave the garbage in front of the LIFT area to irritate the other residents and fight with them when asked to remove it from there..... do they deserve to live in the society.... Is this the way it works in Bangalore, the Technology hub of India... The Silicon Valley... of India... The fastest changing city of the world.... or this is the sign of the top corrupted Province(Karnataka) of the India and Asia
Open prostitution is also happening in the colony.... A lot of male movements in the girls bachelor apartment... Plus some of the people using their apartment for the prostitution purpose, letting the apartment on day rental basis or using it for their private sex affairs with other females .... Very common when you walk around, the cheap girls and women gives signals..... An open invitation for the sex affairs.... Remaining females will definitely pass some comment pertaining that they are talking to someone or instructing to someone.... They cannot pass without a passing comment..... Everyone here is a cyber and a mafia cell guy..... Potential people and returning Indians are their target..... Very Mafia crime colony... Supported by Police and the Muslims.... this is Purvankara. The whore house. colony....This is India.
Bikes including Bullet (the heaviest and the big noise making Indian bike) are the most exiting vehicles for the maintenance staff and the bachelors to speeding and racing in the colony 24 hours. .Don’t understand what they want to show and who they want to impress or disturb….It is a society, not a road side for this kind of activities and stunts….This is too dangerous for the big accidents,can cause lives of young children
You will keep reporting this to the builder and the society management, but no action will be taken….
These Un-authorized tenants are fully covered.. by other local residents, may be they are supported by the local Police authorities as well as part of increasing the terror and corruption(Police the top Corrupted People in Country.....this could be one of their corruption revenue making staff.) If you complain a lot you will be troubled by their counterparts outside plus your doors and anything such as a pair of shoe left outside at your door area will be disturbed..... They may even throw it down the floor as part of their criminal activities.... Fully criminal minded activists...
Sounds and Music-The colony is full of sound and music all the time… This could be someone scratching and knocking your walls, putting pathetic and vulgar music loudly, bachelor's busy preparing for Indian Idols loudly(Very cheap and illiterate behaviors), making their dogs to bark loud and so many others, including whistling and generating various different sounds…. One of their favorites is pressing traffic buzzer loudly for a long time... This all makes you annoyed and important things are the timings.... One can suspect perfectly that these are being used for driving mafia and cyber crime activities in the colony…. Security guys… They have all the reasons to sleep well while this is happening....
People (Govt. Official and ex society members)were also caught running private commercial institution inside, hiring the illegal manpower from the outside...... A criminal gateway for the outsider to enter the premises in the name of the institution..... Everyone is part and everyone is watching and no one raises a voice until it is boiled too high...Benefits, power and kick bucks make the people silent.. Black money making societies... Black money making societies...The picture of housing societies in India....
Due to the mess in the township.... The status of the society has drastically gone down with an outcome of the drastic rent reductions of the flats.... A three bedroom house in the society that has a big open area, club house, swimming pool, gym., sports clubs, children parks is available for 5-6k per month with no advance and deposit... You can easily understand the quality of the tenants with whom you have to live with as the residents and neighbor...
It is also a matter of surprise that a bigger township society of more than 3300 houses of different range flats are being managed by few elected society members that includes working professionals and retired people. If this is the way it works in India then it is really very optimistic and pathetic…. Having known that the first elected society member committee headed by an Indian Air force Sr.Employee was removed with the legal actions by the residents.The locals have a practice of calling meetings for every issue and definitely those meetings are very political. Most of the time you find the questions are diverted or time wasted purposefully by some groups on very small or unwanted issues just to hide the main issues....The one who will be talking more on moral ground and the welfare of the society in the meeting may have more outstanding of his maintenance dues.... Basically, they cover themselves with emotional talks.This is how people make more mess here.... Plus their issues are very local and there is no scope of understanding the issues and expectations of returning Indians. Returning person can not stand out in the crowed..He is kicked out...., everything looks very risky from the point of a Returned NRI who comes to India with different environmental and security systems. If everything works with the local residents’ acceptances then definitely these kind of flats are not for NRI's...It is a very big risk for them and their families. If he complains he becomes the target for the bad elements in society and the city & country.
A foreign resident buys a house in India believing the big Names like Purvankara and the picture he sees in the brochure for a beautiful time he is going to spend in India doing his dream projects/career with his extensive overseas experience and exposure…..With all these challenges he finds himself in a criminal and suicidal place….. While he is new in the country and trying to settle with his investments in India he is attacked by these people and situation
This is an experience of living in Purvankara/Provident/Bangalore with an NRI Investment.
Stories are more…… Purvankara is selling Fraud projects to NRI Buyers in Overseas….. They should stop this immediately. This is a crime of cheating innocent NRIs who are in abroad for very long and are not familiar with this kind of situation in India….. They don’t have much local support when they come back for facing these issues and they end up with lot of issues….. not good for them and their families…..
The returning NRI is a big time target for the local criminals with this kind of situation.
No NRI should buy PURVANKARA project in Overseas…….. I think they may be only good for the local sales to the local people in India….. They are nowhere close to the international platform and the standards……
There is also a news that this place is not an Authorized area..... What a shock..... Over 3000 Flats in this risk... This includes big investments from Overseas by NRI's who do not know the local laws and the Corruption parameter... India is Asia's top Corrupted Nation. Karnataka is Number one Corrupted State in India.... law is sold in a few bucks here...Political Parties and Police Department are the top Two Corrupted divisions in India.....What can be done here.....Nothing....
Purvankara Welworthcity , Provident housing is a Mafia criminal hub.Mafia is working very seriously in the township, mainly to trouble the people who have come from abroad..... The Returning Indians.... Everyone knows everything here and they all are part of this crime........ For them Returning NRI is a golden dream opportunity for their criminal activities.... this colony is a Mafia Criminal hub.....
 Having said this…. NRI should never invest in India in properties…… they may end up with this kind of criminal situation
This is a real life story of an returning Indian.....who had very big hopes of investing in India/Bangalore/Purvankara/Provident....


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